Saturday 19 October 2013


Itz a wonderful braided bread .  I use to love tiz bread not only bcoz it tastes delicious, but because it also reminds me of my childhood.


2 1/2 cups áll-purpose flour, dívíded
1/4 cup whíte sugár
1 teáspoon sált
1 (.25 ounce) páckáge áctíve dry yeást
2/3 cup mílk
2 táblespoons butter
2 eggs
5 whole eggs, dyed íf desíred
2 táblespoons butter, melted


ín á lárge bowl, combíne 1 cup flour, sugár, sált ánd yeást; stír well. Míx mílk ánd butter ín á smáll sáucepán; heát untíl mílk ís wárm ánd butter ís softened but not melted.
Gráduálly ádd the mílk ánd butter to the flour míxture; stírríng constántly. ádd two eggs ánd 1/2 cup flour; beát well. ádd the remáíníng flour, 1/2 cup át á tíme, stírríng well áfter eách áddítíon. When the dough hás pulled together, turn ít out onto á líghtly floured surfáce ánd kneád untíl smooth ánd elástíc, ábout 8 mínutes.
Líghtly oíl á lárge bowl, pláce the dough ín the bowl ánd turn to coát wíth oíl. Cover wíth á dámp cloth ánd let ríse ín á wárm pláce untíl doubled ín volume, ábout 1 hour.
Defláte the dough ánd turn ít out onto á líghtly floured surfáce. Dívíde the dough ínto two equál síze rounds; cover ánd let rest for 10 mínutes. Roll eách round ínto á long roll ábout 36 ínches long ánd 1 1/2 ínches thíck. Usíng the two long píeces of dough, form á loosely bráíded ríng, leávíng spáces for the fíve colored eggs. Seál the ends of the ríng together ánd use your fíngers to slíde the eggs between the bráíds of dough. 
Preheát oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). Pláce loáf on á buttered bákíng sheet ánd cover loosely wíth á dámp towel. Pláce loáf ín á wárm pláce ánd let ríse untíl doubled ín bulk, ábout 45 mínutes. Brush rísen loáf wíth melted butter.
Báke ín preheáted oven for 50 to 55 mínutes, or untíl golden. Mákes 1 – 1 pound loáf.

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